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Senators introduce mandatory COOL resolution

2020-05-14 23:43:00| Beef

Tester and Rounds seek support for including country-of-origin labeling in must-pass COVID-19 legislation.

Tags: cool resolution introduce mandatory


BP, Activist Shareholder to Jointly Draft Climate Resolution

2020-03-27 14:07:01| OGI

An�activist�group has withdrawn a�shareholder�resolution�urging�BP�to adhere to the Paris�climate�agreement after the oil and gas company agreed to work together on a joint�resolution.

Tags: resolution draft climate jointly


Item 212 Proposed As Amended Resolution

2020-03-10 23:42:24| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 302kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: item resolution proposed amended


Your New Year's resolution: A Secure Pork Supply Plan

2020-01-28 15:01:00| National Hog Farmer

The goal of Secure Pork Supply is to get�American�producers back into normal business functions as soon as possible following a foreign animal disease outbreak.

Tags: plan supply resolution secure


Tree Code (Title 11) Resolution

2020-01-27 18:23:15| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 163kbCategory: Handouts

Tags: code title tree resolution


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