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Upstream A&D Activity in 2021 to Nearly Surpass Peak Shale Boom

2021-09-29 19:05:00| OGI

Piper Sandlers Doug Reynolds forecast a strong finish for A&D in 2021 and while upstream oil and gas deal activity might not reach its record year of 2014, were going to have the best year since then, he told attendees of Oil and Gas Investors A&D Strategies and Opportunities conference.

Tags: activity peak boom upstream


Episode 33: Talking Reuse, Bottle Deposits and EPR with Upstream Solutions

2021-09-23 08:00:00| Waste Age

Upstream Solutions was founded in 2003 by a group of zero waste activists and policymakers in the United States and Canada. The organization works to redesign the systems that generate waste.  The organization has been around for nearly 20 year

Tags: solutions talking episode bottle


Heliums Rising Fortunes in Upstream Oil and Gas Development

2021-09-10 16:00:00| OGI

RED President Steve Hendrickson discusses the upstream oil and gas industrys increased interest in developing helium resources.

Tags: development gas oil rising


OTC 2021: Navigating Toward Net-zero Upstream Facilities

2021-08-18 11:20:00| OGI

Digital technology is enabling brave, new design possibilities in the offshore world to�make a measurable difference in the mitigation of carbon emissions.

Tags: facilities upstream otc navigating


Upstream Mechanical Integrity: Generic Risk-based Inspection Strategies for Rapid Global Deployment

2021-08-05 22:00:00| OGI

A generic RBI framework�can be rapidly deployed via digital tools to facilities across all operating regions, creating companywide unity in safety policies.

Tags: global strategies rapid inspection


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