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Tag: seller

Marketed: Tessara Petroleum Resources, Private Seller Delaware Basin Package

2021-03-11 20:25:00| OGI

Tessara Petroleum Resources and a private seller have retained RedOaks Energy Advisors for the sale of nonoperated working interest and ORRI properties located in Loving County, Texas, and New Mexicos Lea County of the Delaware Basin.

Tags: private resources package seller


FDA Flags Wipe Seller for COVID-19 Claims

2021-03-10 13:39:48| Happi Breaking News

CBD and additional adulterated hand sanitizer violations announced in agency's latest round.

Tags: claims seller flags fda


Marketed: Private Seller Delaware Basin Minerals Opportunity

2020-08-10 20:55:00| OGI

A private seller retained Detring Energy Advisors to market for sale the associated mineral interests of the�historic Hanging H Ranch asset located in the Delaware Basin in Reeves and Loving counties, Texas.

Tags: private opportunity seller delaware


Social Seller Eyes Beauty Business

2020-07-31 14:47:10| Happi Breaking News

Firm's plans include moving beyond baskets and home decor.

Tags: business social beauty eyes


3M Sues Amazon Seller Over N95 Respirators

2020-06-10 15:14:29| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Company claims a seller defrauded its customers by charging grossly inflated prices for fake, defective and damaged respirator products

Tags: amazon seller n95 sues


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