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Highly Profitable Troll Phase 3 Project Starts Up for Equinor

2021-08-30 15:34:48| OGI

Troll phase 3 is "one of the most profitable projects throughout Equinors entire history"�with record-low CO2 emissions, a senior company executive said.

Tags: project highly phase starts


Equinor Aims to Electrify Troll B, C Platforms to Cut CO2 Emissions

2021-04-23 15:11:11| OGI

Connecting�platforms�to the onshore grid is seen as the main measure to reduce the industrys�emissions.

Tags: cut aims platforms emissions


Equinor Selects Aker Solutions for Troll B, C Electrification Work

2021-02-16 18:52:16| OGI

The work would replace power generation from gas turbines at the platforms, reducing the climate footprint, Aker said.

Tags: work solutions selects troll


Equinor Makes Oil Discovery Near Norways Troll Field

2021-02-05 14:41:55| OGI

The reservoir is expected to contain between 44 million and 69 million barrels of oil equivalent, Equinor said.

Tags: makes field oil discovery


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