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Portland Downtown | 05-11-21 | SW Alder St | Deisgn Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-038834 DZ

2021-05-10 19:04:13| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 7,166kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest

Tags: review proposal lu downtown


Alameda | 05-10-21 | 2815 NE Alameda St | Historic Resource Review - DECISION | LU 21-021680 HR

2021-05-07 19:01:38| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 3,401kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors Decisions

Tags: review decision resource hr


Item 339 Appoint members to the Development Review Advisory Committee

2021-05-07 17:46:55| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 346kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: members item review development


Grant Park | 04-20-21 | 2245 NE 36th Ave | Conditional Use and Adjustment Review - HEARING | LU 20-214838 CU AD

2021-05-06 23:19:45| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 6,272kbCategory: Central Northeast Neighbors

Tags: review park ad grant


Road and rail building plans under review after Covid

2021-05-06 21:58:47| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Post-pandemic shifts in travel habits could undermine the logic behind many infrastructure projects.

Tags: review road building plans


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