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Boise | 05-05-21 | 927 and 939 N Failing St | Land Division with an Adjustment Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-008066 LDP AD

2021-05-04 17:33:56| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 3,470kbCategory: Northeast Coalition of Neighbors

Tags: review land ad division


Army Corps: No Cause to Shut DAPL During Review

2021-05-04 15:45:00| OGI

In filing, the Corps said it will determine whether to issue a new permit when its review is completed in March 2022.

Tags: review army corps shut


Buckman | 05-04-21 | 1001 SE Water Ave | Historic Resource Review - REVISED DECISION | LU 20-163884 HR

2021-05-04 01:43:35| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,106kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program Decisions

Tags: review water decision resource


Sunnyside | 05-04-21 | 706 SE Peacock Ln | Adjustment Review - PROPOSAL | LU 21-028969 AD

2021-05-04 01:22:26| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,152kbCategory: Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Program

Tags: review ad proposal lu


Northwest District | 05-04-21 | NE Quadrant of the NW Quimby Festival St Located between NW 21st Ave and NW 20th Ave | Design Review - DECISION | LU 20-200176 DZ

2021-05-04 00:21:52| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 2,166kbCategory: Neighbors West/Northwest Decisions

Tags: design review located decision


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