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A beginners guide to cloud security management

2021-03-30 19:34:31| The Webmail Blog

A beginners guide to cloud security management nellmarie.colman Tue, 03/30/2021 - 12:34 � Cyber criminals are on the never-ending hunt for data anything they can steal and sell, exploit or hold for ransom. From small businesses to the largest enterprises, everyones data is a target. So its important for you to protect your data, with a layered, defense-in-depth approach. You might already be familiar with how to protect your data in a traditional, on-premises environment such as by restricting admin and user access, using properly configured firewalls and running anti-malware software. But how does data security work in a complex cloud environment? In this guide, well answer these questions, look into best practices for cloud security management and discuss how security experts can help along the journey. � What is cloud security? Cloud security has the same goal as traditional on-premises security: keeping your valuable data safe. It involves procedures and technologies designed to protect your cloud environment against both internal and external threats to your most sensitive business-critical infrastructure. � What is different about cloud security? When comparing on-premises security and cloud security, the main differentiator is the nature of the cloud. The cloud isnt in your data center or at your office, where you can control it. Its in an intangible place that you cant necessarily touch or fully control. As a result, you cant apply your traditional, standard infrastructure controls or enterprise tool sets, as you can with on-premises. With on-prem, you plug in a server, hook it up, and it immediately inherits all of the firewalls, IPs and rule sets you already have running in your environment. In the cloud, you turn a new system on, and it adopts none of those historical protections. This means you must build security at the forefront because once your cloud infrastructure is on, its open to the world. But once youve integrated cloud native tool sets and solutions, you can gain visibility that goes beyond what legacy security provides.�Cloud native security solutions enable you to monitor network flow, identify vulnerabilities, integrate threat intelligence and even implement AI learning around your cloud infrastructure and systems. � What is cloud security management? Cloud security management is similar to the model for on-premises security management. It's about understanding what security controls you have in place and how you're securing your environment, systems and data and what you have to do, from a management standpoint, to maintain that visibility. For example, every time you spin up a new instance in the cloud, you need to make sure you push the correct agents and that it has the right policies assigned to it. You need to be sure the controls youve already engineered and architected are in place. Cloud security is quite a bit easier than traditional models, since assuming youre using the cloud correctly you can automate many of the requirements and workflows. For example, in the past, IT may have set up a new server, and perhaps they didnt install any of the agents. You might not notice until sometime later. But in the cloud, you can automate the whole process and specify installations, instead of relying on human workloads or trial-and-error. � How do you manage security in the cloud? To protect your data, you need to take the keys to your data and lock them away such that an adversary would need to break through layer after layer of protection to get to those keys. Cyber criminals look for vulnerable systems and data, so make it difficult for them. � Rule of least privilege The baseline, number-one thing that everyone should do whether youre talking about cloud, on-premises or even a single-instance computer running in your office is implement the rule of least privilege. Basically, if the system doesnt need to do something, dont allow it to. For example, if you have a server thats just processing information in a SQL database, dont install a web browser. That kind of deny-by-default approach alone can remove many common attack vectors. Each time you can eliminate a way for the bad guys to get in or out, youve given a huge boost to your security, with minimal effort and cost. � Zero trust Likewise, if a person within your organization doesnt need access, dont give them access. Take a zero-trust approach inside and outside your organization. Trust no one. For example, say you have a house with a door, and that door has a lock. Your security is the lock on that front door. You give people you trust keys to your front door. You dont trust anyone outside the front door, and you trust everyone inside. Thats how traditional perimeter security works. But lets say youre in the house with those people you trust, but one person goes into your bedroom and is there for 20 minutes. You start wondering, what is that person up to? So you start monitoring their activity and discover theyre stealing your valuables. So, although you need the lock on the front door, you need monitoring, validating and checking within your house as well, preferably focused on areas that are most critical. Thats what zero trust security looks like. You trust nothing and nobody, at any time, and you make it very difficult for someone to do something they shouldnt be doing. � Patching The world is terrible at patching. Most of the major data breaches in the last two decades, not related to zero-day exploits, have been because someone failed to apply a critical patch in a reasonable amount of time. Many recent breaches were caused because patches were ignored for years. Using free, open-source tools online, almost anyone can get into your system and compromise it when it is left without these critical updates. � Bottom line: Staying up to date with your patches is a powerful way to manage risk in the cloud. Cloud native security solutions can help by notifying you of outdated systems and reporting on the specifics, so you can keep them up to date. � Cloud security management with Rackspace Technology When it comes to cloud security management, you dont have to go it alone. Rackspace Technology can partner with you to address every element of your security journey and take the weight off of your in-house team so they can focus on more strategic initiatives. Through our experience across thousands of clients and our extensive partner ecosystem, we can help you define and implement a cloud security strategy designed to keep your business safe. Do you know your current cybersecurity risk score? Take our 15-question self-assessment today. Then take advantage of a professional consultation with one of our cloud experts who will review your results and offer best-practice recommendations on how to address any identified security gaps. � A beginners guide to cloud security managementDiscover the differences between cloud security and traditional on-premises security, as well as best practices for keeping your data safe in the cloud.Discover your cybersecurity risk score./lp/cybersecurity-risk-self-assessmentTake the assessment

Tags: guide management security cloud


A beginners guide to cloud migration

2021-01-28 19:37:23| The Webmail Blog

A beginners guide to cloud migration nellmarie.colman Thu, 01/28/2021 - 12:37 � Unless your business was born in the cloud, you likely rely on some IT applications or legacy infrastructure that you own, host or manage yourself. These systems may have fueled your growth in the past, but as you move toward newer technologies such as AI, machine learning and automation your legacy, non-cloud-based systems can hold you back. They simply arent built to take advantage of cloud native technologies. In this article, well work to set you on the right path to migrating your workloads, applications and processes to the cloud. Youll learn the basics about moving workloads to the cloud as well as how to still get value out of your legacy investments. Well also show you how to get help when you need it. In the end, youll be one step closer to transforming your business.� � What is cloud migration? A cloud migration is the process of moving digital assets including workloads, data and applications to a public or private cloud environment. It also involves decisions around how you plan to use, maintain, optimize and govern your cloud once the digital migration is complete. � What are the benefits of cloud migration? The specific benefits of a cloud migration are closely tied to the benefits of the platform you choose. For example, if you migrate to a managed private cloud platform, youll experience substantial security and performance gains. And if you migrate to a public cloud platform, your benefits will center more around microservices and flexibility. But regardless of which platform you choose, moving from an on-premises environment to a hosted one will generally result in: � Cost efficiency By moving away from expensive, legacy infrastructure, you can realize instant savings on IT operations, as you move from a capex to an opex model. This lets you hold on to more cash or reinvest your capex budgets into business-critical initiatives. � Productivity improvements In the cloud, your IT can be freed of its operational burdens and turn its expertise toward building whats next. For end-users, the cloud provides enhanced functionality allowing them to do their jobs faster and more efficiently. � Innovation enhancements Modernized cloud infrastructure gives your IT team greater agility so that they can deliver new functionality to users faster. Leveraging the cloud also allows them to implement cutting-edge technology like AI, IoT and machine learning to drive innovation. Attempting to execute such resource-intensive technologies on legacy hardware is not only expensive but, in some cases, impossible. � Assessing your applications before migrating The first step in a cloud migration is workload selection. If your project is too large, youll likely face scope creep and long timeframes so start with a small, impactful workload and move on to increasingly complex workloads later, after youve gained some cloud migration experience. Use application profiling to gather and organize information about your workloads and applications. Follow these steps to assess and prioritize workloads for cloud migration: � Audit your existing environments metrics around compute needs, performance output, response times and other factors important to business operations. This will help you establish a baseline and develop KPIs for the incoming platform. � Itemize and collect key information about your workloads, such as physical and virtual server configurations, network topology, compliance requirements, data and application dependencies, geographic considerations and user needs. This will help you set requirements for selecting the right cloud platform to support your environment. � Based on the audit and information gathering, categorize your workloads in order of migration complexity. Identify which workloads can be easily migrated without the need to replatform or refactor. Prioritize these easy-to-migrate workloads for cloud migration.� � What is the right cloud deployment model? Once youve identified your candidate workloads, align their requirements with their best-fit cloud platform. Though we refer to the cloud as a singular entity, there are multiple cloud types to consider. This is why assessing your applications and workloads is so critical. That effort will help you make informed cloud platform choices based on what you need and what the platform can provide. � Public cloud. In a public cloud, infrastructure is shared by multiple businesses and owned and operated by a service provider. Because it allows you to easily scale resources up and down to meet demand and pay-as-you-go, its a great option for managing unpredictable traffic and maximizing cost savings. � Private cloud. In a private cloud, infrastructure is dedicated entirely to your business. This gives you the ability to customize your compute, storage and networking and, as a result, achieve greater levels of control and security. Depending on your workload requirements and resource utilization, private cloud may also result in more cost savings than public cloud infrastructure. � Hybrid cloud. Some workloads require a hybrid cloud that connects both public and private cloud environments. A hybrid cloud can give you the control of the private cloud for your sensitive, business-critical assets, plus the flexibility and cost savings of the public cloud for your public-facing operations. � Multicloud. Basically, multicloud means what it sounds like: multiple clouds. From your on-premises data center and private clouds to hyperscale clouds like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), cloud-based SaaS applications and even colocation environments it all comes together to create your unique multicloud. � And the lines are starting to blur a bit between some of these definitions. With solutions like AWS Outposts, now you can bring a public hyperscale�cloud into your own data center, on dedicated hardware. And you can run a private VMware Cloud on AWS. This just means you have more options to choose from, as you look for the right platform for your cloud migration. � Choosing your cloud migration strategy After youve decided which workloads belong on which clouds, you need to select the best path for transitioning from here to there. An organization will likely use multiple migration strategies across workloads as there is no one-size-fits-all approach. For example, an organizations monolithic ERP system may use a lift-and-shift strategy for technical or licensing reasons, while an HR system is completely replaced by a SaaS option. There are six common cloud migration strategies for making the move: � 1. Replace In this approach, you completely decommission and replace your existing legacy components with a cloud-based alternative. This creates a fast route to the cloud, but it requires a

Tags: guide cloud migration beginners


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