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Tesla produced ~238,000 cars in Q3, delivered more than 240,000

2021-10-03 10:55:41| Green Car Congress

Tags: than cars produced delivered


Desalination System Provides Sustainable Produced Water Recycling

2021-09-14 20:00:00| OGI

High-volume produced water recycling system delivers�a sustainable solution that directly addresses both produced water constraints and the stewardship of freshwater resources.�

Tags: system water produced sustainable


Opinion: Developing a Practical Produced Water Recycle Standard

2021-09-14 16:00:00| OGI

By adopting a standard, the industry will have commoditized�treated produced water, and this�will incentivize competition and unleash the free market to drive better solutions.

Tags: standard water opinion produced


Re|Source marks Teslas progress in tracing responsibly produced cobalt via blockchain

2021-08-16 10:55:34| Green Car Congress

Tags: resource produced progress marks


Recycling Produced Water in Completed Development Areas

2021-07-30 21:00:00| OGI

An operator increases�produced water recycling and reduces�produced water injection via water midstream infrastructure in Midland County.

Tags: development water areas completed


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