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Covid threatens Singapore's business hub crown

2021-08-31 07:01:52| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The South East Asian country faces opposing pressures over the large number of workers from overseas.

Tags: business crown hub threatens


Singapores StarHub sniffs out 14-year-old data breach

2021-08-12 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Last week, Singaporean telco StarHub announced that it had found data from over 57,000 of its customers on a third-party data dump site during routine online surveillance back in July.  The data breach contained personal information for over 57,000 customers, including their including national identity card numbers, mobile numbers and email addresses. Financial information was reportedly not at risk…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: data breach sniffs starhub


Ho Ching: Head of Singapore's $230bn state fund Temasek steps down

2021-02-09 06:10:51| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Ho Ching has been at the helm of one of world's biggest investment funds, Temasek, for 17 years.

Tags: state head steps fund


Singapores 5G licence allocation dashes TPG's network dreams

2020-04-30 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Singtel and a joint venture from StaHub and M1 have both secured licences to provide nationwide 5G services throughout Singapore, leaving Australian telco TPG out in the cold.   Last October, the Singaporean regulator announced it would increase the number of 5G licences it would be offering in 2020 to four…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: network dreams licence allocation


Singapores New Law Restricts Contaminated Plastic Exports

2020-02-12 09:00:00| Waste Age

Under the new law, export of plastics that are newly covered under the Basel Convention can be done only when receiving countries give prior informed consent.

Tags: law plastic exports contaminated


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