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Service Security Operations Engineer

2020-06-16 11:12:36| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

GSA AND SECURITY DEPARTMENT The European GNSS Agency GSA is responsible for the operations and service provision for the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS EGNOS and Galileo. By developing a new generation of GNSS, Europe is laying the foundation for new hightechnology industry development, leading to job creation and economic growth. These European flagship space programmes, which embody what can be achieved when Europe works together, are already bringing real benefits to people and business in Europe and around the world. The European GNSS infrastructure includes approximately worldwide 30 sites for Galileo and 50 sites for EGNOS. With the introduction of the new Space Regulation, expected to enter into force in 2021, the Agency will expand its scope of activities beyond Galileo and EGNOS, to other components, such as Copernicus for Earth Observation, GOVSATCOM for Governmental Space Communications and Space Situational Awareness SSA. In particular, in the security field, the Agency will be entrusted with the direct responsibility of the operational security of Galileo and EGNOS. At the same time, securityrelated activities will be entrusted to the Agency also in the other components. In order to get ready to perform the new activities, the Agency intends to fill several positions for Security Engineers with different profiles to be involved in the expected activities of all components. These positions are expected to be deployed in the Security Department of the Agency and will provide support to the operational departments of the different Components. The Security Department proactively contributes to the fulfilment of the missions of the Agency by providing the security expertise in order to ensure that the Components of the Space Programme are defined, implemented and exploited securely, achieve successful security accreditation of the Components of the Programme, and ensure a wide, secure and sustainable use of the services provided by the different Components. The following highlevel objectives are set for the Security Department Implement and safeguard the highlevel security objectives of the Components of the Programme, manage security processes define, enforce and monitor the Components security requirements, Prepare the security accreditation of the systems, the sites and their infrastructure Ensure that the governmental services continuously achieve user needs, promote a wide and secure use of the governmental services like Galileo PRS and ensure compliance with the relevant rules like the PRS Decision 11042011 Enable a security culture within the Agency and continuously improve the image of the Agency, as a reliable security actor in the Space sector. TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The role of the Service Security Operations Engineer is to oversee the security of the operations of the various components of the EU space programme. The main tasks include Develop the security aspects of the Service Provision, the Concept of Operation of the Components Assess and update the security documentation pertaining to the operations of the Components, such as the security operating procedures Implement the security baseline for the operational actors under the Agency responsibility Provide support on security aspects to the operational teams of the Agency Provide operations security engineering support Oversee the security aspects of exploitation contracts, associated milestones and reviews Contribute to technical reviews concerning operational security aspects Contribute to the maintenance and update of the Agency Statement of Compliance to the applicable security requirements with regard to operational security activities report on possible waivers or potential deviations Follow up on security events, anomalies or incidents affecting service provision Provide advice and recommendations to foster the security of operations Liaise with stakeholders EC, ESA, Member States, Industry participating in the Components Provide technical support to the European Commission for the activities of the different Security Boards and associated Working Groups Prepare reports on activities related to the security of operations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS The selection procedure is open to applicants who satisfy the following eligibility criteria, on the closing date for application A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four years or more OR A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and at least one year of appropriate professional experience when the normal period of university education is three years In addition to the above, appropriate professional experience of at least six years after obtaining the required diploma Be a national of a Member State of the European Union Be entitled to his or her full rights as citizen Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the applicable laws concerning military service Meet the character requirements for the duties involved Have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the European Union to the extent necessary for the performance of hisher duties Be physically fit to perform the duties linked to the post. Application procedure In order to consider your application valid, you are required to log in and submit application through the GSA erecruitment portal httpswww.gsa.europa.eugsajobsopportunities A full job description and further information on the application procedure can be found here

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