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Programme Manager CMIP International Project Office

2021-07-15 10:13:47| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Summary Exciting opportunity for an experienced climate professional to join the Telespazio UK team, and support the development and execution of a brand new international project office IPO for the CoupledModel Intercomparison Project CMIP, in a role colocated with ESA Climate Office at ECSAT. Objective This prestigious post will support the CMIPIPO Director and office as a whole in line with the aims and targets set out within their initial 5 year term. The CMIPIPO is expected to be the focal point for leading national and international entities in climate modelling, coordinating independent international teams and projects working toward a common goal. A more prominent role is foreseen for CMIP in bringing models and observations closer together, and aims to Better understand past, present and future climate changes arising from natural and anthropogenic changes Assess model performance in the past and future, including the representation in models Investigate predictability of the climate system on various time and space scales as well as making predictions from observed climate states Make multimodel output publically available in a standardized format Carry out work as directed by the Working Group on Coupled Modelling WGCM CMIPIPO will operate under overall guidance of releveant CMIP governing bodies WGCM, CMIP Panel, WIP, and in close coordination with the WCRP Joing Scientific Committee JSC and HeadWCRP Secretariat. Responsibilities Duties The successful individual will be expected to Facilitate active liaison between the climate observations and modelling communities, with a focus on strengthening the connections, cooperation and coordination between models and observations, organising relevant meetings and conferences Support the organisation of the activities of the CMIP panel and the WIP, being in regular contact with their respective chairs Contribute to CMIP international meetings for instance the WCRP JSCmeetings, strategyimplementation workshops and task teams, events and to partnersponsoring organizations Work closely with WGCM, WIP, CMIPpanel, providing scientific, technical and administrative support Assist the cooperation between CMIP and other relevant international programmes and activities, including contacts and interaction with Climate Services Support coordination, planning, development and implementation of the CMIP experimental design, data archiving and dissemination, and associated observational, reanalysis, forcings, scenarios and modelling efforts Qualifications Experience PhD, or equivalent qualification, in Physics, Earth Sciences or related scientific discipline. Excellent track record in climate science and modelling Expertise in climate science management Essential Skills Demonstrated scientific andor technical experience with CMIP Experience working with international organisations within the climate network Experience working in large international projects and teams Excellent presentation skills Qualities Ability to work autonomously, and prioritise workloads Methodical, and proactive, attitude to solving problems Good English language skills Excellent organisational, and communication, skills.

Tags: international office project manager


IT Back Office Delivery Manager for AIT and Business mf

2016-08-24 13:07:03| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Airbus Defence and Space. A vacancy for an IT Back Office Delivery Manager for AIT and Business hf has arisen within Airbus Defence Space in Toulouse. You will join the Information Management IM Team. IM is the Information Technology IT business enabler and unique IM Business Partner for Airbus Defence and Space. As a central function, IM is involved in all business processes and enables technical as well as management careers. IM covers a wide range of stateoftheart technologies and positions ranging from IT infrastructure and application support to governance or strategic consultancy. Especially for young talents, IM offers the best conditions for a successful career in an advanced and forwardfacing environment. Working in IM means embodying global trends developments such as digitalisation, innovation and a new way of working. In the context of the recent Instruction Interministrielle relative a la protection des systmes dinformations sensibles N901, a set of new projects will be launched in the Airbus Defence and Space BackOffice in France. You will support any new project, mainly related to the II901 for the first step, to suggest possible architectural designs. You will also be in charge of coordinating the implementation of these projects with the support of service contracts. The architecture designs you will provide will be based on our standard IT bricks, but you will also be challenged to provide the introduction of new technologies in our infrastructure landscape. You will work closely with our internal Business customers on their specific needs to develop our satellite business. Assembly Integration and Test AIT teams are building the satellites and have a specific information system. The Central Engineering division develops software tools for ground segment and onboard software. Because these customers use very technical solutions, they mainly use platforms based on Unix, Linux, and open source products. A good knowledge of these kinds of environments would be a plus. You enjoy working with customers and as such, you will provide our customers with infrastructure designs, you will help them to develop their IT budget planning, and you will support them with incident and problem tracking. You will also organise a yearly customer survey to measure their satisfaction. The BackOffice team is now launching a new group called DO IT. Unlike our large service contracts based on ITIL processes, this team will just do IT! This means that to answer our customer needs you may possibly choose, in some cases, between 2 implementation solutions either go through the service contract, or use the DO IT team if possible. In this case, you will need to validate your findings using an experimental and iterative similar to those that can be found in DevOps initiatives. This position will require a security clearance or will require being eligible for clearance by the recognised authorities. Within this context, you will be in charge of the following main activities Working with Business stakeholders to identify the business requirements and the expected outcome, Modelling and framing meaningful business scenarios which impact critical business processes andor decisions, Collaborating with Business subject matter experts and other IM colleagues to select the target architectures, Working with our IT partner teams to support integration, implementation and release to production, Working in iterative processes with the Business and validates findings, Developing experimental design approaches to validate finding or test hypotheses, With the business, assessing the expected qualification and assurance of the information in support of the use case, Working with the IM security team to ensure that the information used is in compliance with the regulatory and security policies in place II901 and other regulations related to the protection of the defence, Communicating and working with business subject matter experts, Educating the organisation, from both IM and business perspectives, on new approaches, such as testing hypotheses and validating results, Demonstrating the following qualities valuable for a scientist clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness, Troubleshooting and implementing enhancements and corrections to systems as needed. This role will involve some travel for business 2 or 3 times a year in Europe and as such you must be able to travel accordingly. We are looking for candidates with the following skills and experience Engineering degree or Masters degree, 5 years of experience in backoffice engineering, Ideally, experience in Agile project methodologies, Knowledge of all or part of the following domains o Servers, o Storage SANNAS, o Backup Netbackup, VEEAM, SnapVaults, etc., o Monitoring Nagios, etc., o Virtualisation CITRIX, VMware and VDI, o Operating systems Windows, Linux Red Hat, Solaris, etc., o Databases Oracle Postgres, etc., o Orchestration tools for cloud infrastructures RedHat, HP Helion, etc.. Knowledge of one or more businessfunctional areas in a spatial industry would be a plus, Strong communication and interpersonal skills, Customer relationship, Team spirit, Negotiation level of French and advanced level of English. Please apply online. Airbus Group is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief. To apply click here

Tags: back business office manager


IT Back Office Delivery Manager AIT et Business hf

2016-05-25 12:06:50| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Airbus Defence and Space. Un poste de IT Back Office Delivery Manager AIT et Business hf est pourvoir au sein dAirbus Defence Space, Toulouse. Vous rejoindrez lquipe Gestion de lInformation IM. LIM reprsente lhabilitateur de lactivit Technologie de lInformation IT et lunique partenaire dactivit IM dAirbus Defence and Space. En tant que mtier central, lIM est impliqu dans tous les processus dactivit et propose des carrires de techniciens et de responsables. LIM couvre une large gamme de technologies de pointe et des postes allant de linfrastructure IT, du support des applications la gouvernance et au conseil stratgique. LIM runit les meilleures conditions pour offrir notamment aux jeunes talents la possibilit de mener une carrire fructueuse dans un environnement avanc et prospectif. Travailler au sein de lIM suppose dexprimenter les tendances globales dveloppements comme la numrisation, linnovation et une nouvelle faon de travailler. Dans le cadre de la rcente Instruction Interministrielle relative la protection des systmes dinformations sensibles N901 , une srie de nouveaux projets sera lance au sein dAirbus Defence and Space BackOffice, en France. Vous fournirez un support nimporte quel nouveau projet, essentiellement li au II901 pour la premire tape, en vue de suggrer dventuelles conceptions architecturales. Vous serez galement charge de coordonner la mise en uvre de ces projets avec laide des contrats de service. Les conceptions architecturales que vous fournirez seront fondes sur nos briques informatiques standards. Vous devrez galement assurer la mise en place de nouvelles technologies dans notre environnement dinfrastructures. Vous travaillerez troitement avec nos clients internes de lentreprise sur les besoins spcifiques au dveloppement de notre activit lie au satellite. Les quipes AIT Assembly, Integration and Test Assemblage, intgration et essai construisent les satellites et disposent dun systme dinformation spcifique. La division Central Engineering dveloppe des outils logiciels pour le segment sol et des logiciels embarqus. En raison des solutions trs techniques quils utilisent, ces clients utilisent essentiellement des plateformes bases sur Unix, Linux et des produits Open Source. Une bonne connaissance de ces types denvironnements serait un plus. Si vous aimez travailler avec les clients, vous devrez leur fournir les conceptions dinfrastructure, les aider laborer la planification de leur budget informatique et les soutenir dans le suivi des incidents et des problmes. Vous devrez galement organiser une tude de satisfaction clientle afin dvaluer leur niveau de satisfaction. Lquipe BackOffice est dsormais en train de lancer un nouveau groupe dnomm DO IT . Contrairement nos gros contrats de service fonds sur les processus ITIL, le rle de cette quipe sera dagir ! Cela signifie que pour rpondre aux besoins de nos clients, vous aurez ventuellement le choix, dans certains cas, entre 2 solutions de mise en uvre Soit passer par le contrat de service, ou recourir lquipe DO IT, le cas chant. Dans ce cas, vous devrez valider vos rsultats laide dune approche exprimentale et itrative semblable celle qui peut se trouver dans les initiatives DevOps. Ce poste ncessite une habilitation de scurit ou dy tre ligible par les autorits reconnues. Dans ce contexte, vous serez responsable des principales activits suivantes Travailler avec des parties prenantes de lentreprise pour identifier les exigences de lactivit et le rsultat escompt Modliser et structurer des scnarios dactivit cohrents ayant un impact sur les processus dactivit critiques etou les dcisions Collaborer avec les experts en la matire de lactivit et les autres collgues IM afin de slectionner les architectures cibles Travailler avec nos quipes partenaires informatiques afin de soutenir lintgration, la mise en uvre et la validation de la production Travailler dans les processus itratifs avec lentreprise et valider les rsultats Dvelopper des approches axes sur la conception exprimentale afin de valider les hypothses des rsultats ou des essais Avec lentreprise, valuer la qualification et lassurance attendues des informations laide du cas dutilisation Travailler avec lquipe charge de la scurit IM afin de sassurer que les informations utilises sont conformes aux politiques rglementaires et de scurit en vigueur II901 et autres rglementations relatives la protection de la dfense Communiquer et travailler avec les experts en la matire de lactivit Informer lorganisation, dun point de vue IM et activit, sur les nouvelles approches, comme lessai dhypothses et la validation des rsultats En tant que personne scientifique, vous devrez dmontrer les qualits suivantes clart, rigueur, prcision, cohrence, analyse approfondie, ouverture desprit, esprit logique, sens de limportance et intgrit Assurer la rsolution des problmes et la mise en uvre de points damlioration et de correction sur les systmes, le cas chant. Certains dplacements professionnels ponctuels sont prvoir 2 3 fois par an en Europe et, de ce fait, vous devez tre dispose vous dplacer en consquence. Nous recherchons des candidates ayant lexprience et les comptences suivantes Diplme dingnieur ou Master 5 ans dexprience en ingnierie backoffice Idalement, une exprience de la mthode de projet Agile Une connaissance de tout ou partie des domaines suivants o Serveurs, o Stockage SANNASTRAN, o Sauvegarde Netbackup, VEEAM, SnapVaults, etc., o Suivi Nagios, etc., o Virtualisation CITRIX, VMware et VDI, o Systmes dexploitation Windows, Linux Red Hat, Solaris, etc., o Bases de donnes Oracle Postgres, etc., o Outils dorchestration pour les infrastructures Cloud RedHat, HP Helion, etc.. La connaissance dun ou de plusieurs domaines dactivitfonctionnels dans lindustrie spatiale serait un plus Excellentes aptitudes en communication et en relationnel Relations clients Travail dquipe Niveau ngociation en franais et niveau avanc en anglais. Merci de bien vouloir postuler en ligne. To apply click here

Tags: back business office manager


Former car dealer office manager sentenced for stealing $700k

2015-03-12 03:01:15| Auto Dealers - Topix.net

David Singer / Staff Former Three Rivers Volkswagon employee Deborah Cassini pleaded guilty to wire fraud and submitting false returns, costing the car dealership $700,000. The former officer manager of Three Rivers Volkswagen has been sentenced to 3 1/2 years in federal prison, 3 years probation following release and was ordered to pay $397,000 in restitution after she pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $600,000 from her employer.

Tags: office car manager dealer


Office Manager

2015-03-07 06:42:37| Trucking - Topix.net

This family owned business has been operating since 1945, with three generations of Hutton's each making their mark in the trucking industry. It has been the efficient staff, drivers and the great customer base that have made this legacy possible.

Tags: office manager office manager manager office


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