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Brexit: France warns UK of bitter trade negotiations

2020-02-17 10:34:31| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The UK and EU will "rip each other apart" as they vie for advantage, France's foreign minister says.

Tags: france trade negotiations bitter


UK telecoms industry profiting from EU investment since Brexit referendum

2020-02-17 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Since the idea of Brexit was first floated to the public, there has been much debate as to its economic impact on all sectors of the UK economy. Expert forecasts of ‘doom and gloom’ have been written off by politicians and pubgoers alike as ‘scaremongering’, but what has been the reality for the UK telecoms industry so far?  …read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: industry investment telecoms referendum


UK telecoms industry profiting from its EU investments since Brexit referendum

2020-02-17 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Since the idea of Brexit was first floated to the public, there has been much debate as to its economic impact on all sectors of the UK economy. Expert forecasts of ‘doom and gloom’ have been written off by politicians and pubgoers alike as ‘scaremongering’, but what has been the reality for the UK telecoms industry so far?  …read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: since industry investments telecoms


Scottish salmon producers warn of 'huge' Brexit burden

2020-02-10 01:00:15| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The industry says the UK government has told it to prepare for trade barriers with the European Union.

Tags: huge producers burden scottish


Brexit divorce: Five key things the UK must navigate

2020-02-09 08:17:56| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Break-ups are rarely easy and Britain has challenges ahead in forging new trade relationships.

Tags: key things uk navigate


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