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Stage Application des donnes synthtiques dans le domaine de lIA pour lobservation de la

2021-10-14 10:12:46| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

La mission de CS GROUP tre la pointe des technologies pour garantir la scurit de tous dans un monde en pleine mutation. Lexpertise reconnue du groupe lui permet dintervenir l o les enjeux de scurit sont les plus sensibles aronautique, dfense, nergie, spatial Et, aussi, l o les rponses sont inventer ou rinventer lutte antidrones, cyberscurit, traitement de donnes satellitaires Vous souhaitez voluer dans une entreprise dimension humaine qui encourage linnovation, la curiosit et la prise de responsabilits ? Un groupe qui cultive la diversit de ces mtiers, issus de lunivers IT mais aussi du monde scientifique et qui investit prs de 15 de son CA en RD ? Rejoigneznous et additionnons nos talents ! Nous recrutons unune Stagiaire pour participer la mise en uvre dune application de donnes synthtiques dans le domaine de lIA pour lobservation de la Terre et rejoindre notre business unit Espace au sein du Skills Center Image et Processing. Notre Skills Center Notre Skills Center apporte son expertise en tldtection et en traitement dimages satellites. Contexte du stage Le potentielle de lIA pour le domaine de lobserve de la Terre nest plus prouver. On constate que ces mthodes jouent un rle important dans lacclration des usages du spatial. Cependant, cette volution est freine par la disponibilit de donnes de qualits et en volume suffisant. Gnrer et intgrer des donnes synthtiques pour des modles dIA de lobservation de la Terre semble tre une piste prometteuse. Votre mission Au sein de lquipe, vous intervenez sur plusieurs activits La rdaction de lEtat de lart sur lusage de donnes synthtiques pour lentrainement de modles dIA, La manipulation et prparation de donnes rels et synthtiques issues de diffrentes sources images satellites , jeux vidos, maquettes urbaines, simulateurs ..., LEntranement de modles dIA CNN et GAN, LAnalyse et prsentation des rsultats. Qui tesvous ? De formation Bac5, vous avez une bonne matrise de Python et deep learning ainsi quune exprience avec un des frameworks de deep learning Pytorch ou Tensorflow. Vous avez la capacit travailler de manire autonome et communiquer vos rsultats. Des connaissances dans le domaine de la modlisation graphique 3D seraient un plus. Vous maitriser GTA et tes master sur CSGOU ? Une familiarit avec les donnes dobservation de la Terre serait apprcie Vous aimez travailler en quipe et prendre des initiatives ? Vous tes autonome et avez un excellent relationnel ? Alors vous tes la ppite que nous recherchons ! comptences gales, ce poste est ouvert aux personnes en situation de handicap. Qui sommesnous ? Notre business unit Espace, fort de ses 430 collaborateurs et de leur expertise IT et mtiers mcanique spatiale, segment sol image, logiciel embarqu satellites, fournit des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les agences spatiales et de dfense, les matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et les acteurs des applications spatiales. Pourquoi choisir CS GROUP ? Pour notre filire Expert qui valorise vos comptences techniques, notre engagement dans linnovation avec un budget RD de 30 millions deurosan, nos engagements socitaux et environnementaux index dgalit professionnelle 86100, partenaire de lassociation Elles bougent, membre de la plante Tech Care etc. Et bien sr la possibilit de tltravailler, un programme de cooptation, la complmentaire sant, les RTT, le CE. La suite des vnements Si votre profil correspond, vous aurez un entretien technique avec un de nos Responsables oprationnels. Puis, vous rencontrerez Magali ou Cindy lors dun entretien RH. Et nous nous engageons vous faire un retour par tlphone CSGROUP hiring imageprocessing

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What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

2021-10-12 13:21:04| The Webmail Blog

What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? chri6103 Tue, 10/12/2021 - 06:21 What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? October 20, 2021 by Cody Johnson, Senior Strategic Programs Manager, Rackspace Technology Its hard to feel like you have a full grasp of cybersecurity, especially as threats are always evolving. However, becoming more familiar with cybersecurity solutions allows you to build a strong understanding of how cyberattacks work. I spoke to Adam Brown, Information Security Architect at Rackspace Technology, to have him explain exactly how a web application firewall (WAF) works in straightforward, no-frills language and what part it plays in the ever-changing cybersecurity world. What is a firewall? Lets begin with defining the firewall. Firewalls utilize what are known as access control lists (ACLs) to gate entry and control access to your web application server. And in this scenario, your web application server represents your online business. If you imagine a facility, firewalls should act as a gate security check and ensure no uninvited guests or goods get in. Legacy firewalls are like having a security guard sitting in a booth doing visual checks of people trying to access your premises. The check is only as sophisticated as a guard looking at cars and passengers from the booth. This first layer of security is packet filtering, with the car representing the data packets, or information, that is traveling through to reach the application. A WAF explained A WAF provides real-time protection by blocking bots, scrapers and crawlers from reaching your application. With a WAF, youll have less unwanted traffic, which translates to smoother online operation. Thinking of the metaphor mentioned above, the WAF operates in much the same way as a security inspector, but this time the inspector comes up close to the vehicle to perform a close inspection. And this is no cursory exterior once-over the inside of the car (or data packet in actuality) is examined like a crime scene. These checks are akin to application layer protocol validation. A WAF provides better web protection than an intrusion prevention system (IPS) alone as it has a broader scope of inspection options. Using the analogy from earlier, you can think of an IPS like a sniffer dog. If theres a substance in the car that the dog has been trained to find, the dog will become suspicious if they pick up a scent of that substance. The WAF is more sophisticated than that. It looks for everything and can detect the presence of everything regardless if it is hidden from sight or scentless. A WAF is most effective as one component of a defense-in-depth approach, which means using multiple layers of technology as part of your cloud security management program. Real-world use cases for a WAF A WAF can protect applications against known security threats like SQL injections, where attackers insert malicious code to manipulate existing data on your system. A successful attack of this nature can result in voided transactions, deleted data or sensitive data exposure. But if you have deployed a WAF, it uses input validation and database-level protections to prevent SQL injections. A WAF can also block credential stuffing. This is when stolen credentials are used to log in and launch an attack. The application may not be coded to recognize and prevent this type of attack, but with a WAF in place, it is safe and secure. A WAF can also spare you from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In a DDoS attack, hackers overwhelm the application with requests. This results in the slowdown or complete shutdown of your application. And an application thats not available, or is performing poorly, usually translates into lost revenue. As threats are constantly evolving, the advantage of a WAF is that it can protect against unknown threats. It recognizes threats that use authorized protocols such as HTTP, while legacy firewalls cannot do this. Over time applications change, so a WAF needs to be maintained with rules and configuration options to ensure it provides the best level of defense. Take the next step Take the next step toward protecting your applications with our 15-question security self-assessment. Youll receive a professional consultation where a cloud expert reviews your results and provides recommendations on addressing security gaps. Recent Posts What Is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)? October 20th, 2021 Why Automated Application Testing Is the Key to Digital Transformation October 12th, 2021 How to Drive Continuous Innovation with Rackspace Elastic Engineering for Security September 30th, 2021 How to escape hyperscaler transfer fees September 30th, 2021 How businesses can combat complexities to become multicloud masters September 23rd, 2021 Links Solve: Thought Leadership Corporate Blog Newsroom Technical Blog Investor Relations

Tags: web application firewall waf


Why Automated Application Testing Is the Key to Digital Transformation

2021-10-12 12:51:33| The Webmail Blog

Why Automated Application Testing Is the Key to Digital Transformation chri6103 Tue, 10/12/2021 - 05:51 Why Automated Application Testing Is the Key to Digital Transformation October 12, 2021 by Prasanna Lakshmi Narasimha, Head of Delivery, Applications & Data Services EMEA, Rackspace Technology The global pandemic accelerated the digital transformation journey of organisations as the focus on delivering an enhanced digital customer experience (CX) became a priority. According to a BCG study, nearly 90% of digital transformations aimed to improve CX, which included digital marketing, personalisation, and streamlining customer journeys. Customer-oriented application modernisation We found in our own research that two of the biggest drivers of application modernisation are customer-oriented: 54% of participants are looking to improve customer satisfaction and 40% wish to leverage data-driven insights to improve customer engagement. At the centre of digital transformation lies application modernisation, with organisations migrating applications to the cloud, building net new cloud native applications or incorporating AI and machine learning into applications. Application development has moved from being process-driven to now focusing on outcomes, so organisations look to retain a competitive edge by continually improving CX, among other things. The pace of innovation in CX demands frequent application releases, since organizations require applications to be both easy-to-use and available anywhere. Before those applications are released, they must be tested to ensure that they are functional, secure, usable and safeguard user privacy. Continuous testing provides a feedback cycle that helps ensure the new features of an application will meet expectations. Automated application testing Automated testing provides end-to-end quality assurance and is efficient and cost-effective. An InfoWorld survey reported that organisations with automated testing at levels of 50% automation or more experienced 88% faster testing cycles and 68% caught bugs earlier. The result is an improvement in the quality and speed of applications going to market while using fewer resources. Without automation, the story is very different. According to an IDC report, critical application failure can cost on average $1 million an hour. The same report also found that the average total cost of unplanned application downtime per year is $1.25 - $2.5 billion. Traditional application testing vs automated application testing But how does traditional application testing differ from automated application testing? At the simplest level, traditional application testing focuses on finding bugs in code, while automated application testing aims to prevent bugs from occurring in the first place. Traditional application testing methodology involves testing the code at a component level using unit tests. At the next level, integration tests ensure components interact with each other and then UI testing validates the code from the end user's perspective. It's a manual process that can be error-prone and difficult to scale. Using the agile approach, automated application testing leverages AI and machine learning technology for each testing stage. As the application evolves, testing scripts are kept in sync using automation. Automation enables an increased number of unit and integration tests improving application quality through continuous testing. The comprehensive nature of automated testing ensures that new features are added safely, without breaking the existing application features. Another contrast: automated application testing requires tools and expertise in automation that differ from the manual approach. Some tools offer codeless AI-driven features while other tools require scripting. Whether using a commercial or an open-source tool, automation provides consistent results and data points. How can you take an agile approach to software testing? Rackspace Application Testing Services offers automated testing that accelerates software delivery by reducing cycle times by 80%. Automation brings benefits including ease-of-maintenance, the ability to use resources during off-peak hours and auto-generated reports based on executed tests. Automation also allows video recording of the testing process. The errors of manual testing are eliminated with an AI-driven codeless platform. Additionally, you can reduce costs with end-to-end test automation rates greater than 90%. Using the service raises confidence in application releases as the business risk coverage is greater than 85%. Rackspace Application Testing Services also provides the requisite cloud expertise to test both cloud native applications, as well as applications migrated to the cloud. Because of the complexity of cloud infrastructure, thorough investigation of many points is essential in finding and fixing even a single application error. Whether your application is in the cloud or in a hybrid environment, Rackspace Application Testing Services can help you deliver high-performing, quality applications. Want to know more about the Rackspace Application Testing Service? We are standing by to answer your questions. Recent Posts Why Automated Application Testing Is the Key to Digital Transformation October 12th, 2021 How to Drive Continuous Innovation with Rackspace Elastic Engineering for Security September 30th, 2021 How to escape hyperscaler transfer fees September 30th, 2021 How businesses can combat complexities to become multicloud masters September 23rd, 2021 What does Industry 4.0 mean for manufacturing? September 20th, 2021 Links Solve: Thought Leadership Corporate Blog Newsroom Technical Blog Investor Relations Media Kit

Tags: key digital application testing


Application Engineer for Customer Support

2021-10-05 15:12:45| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

The Manufacturing Engineering Support Team needs a skilled engineer to support customers of the global leader of nanosatellite solutions. Customer support of High Quality, High Complexity nanosatellites and subsystems GomSpace is a globally leading developer, integrator and manufacturer of advanced nanosatellites and satellite subsystems for customers in both public and commercial markets. Based on a steadily increasing volume of orders and an everincreasing complexity of designs and highquality products, the organization needs to strengthen its efforts in terms of supporting customers globally with application support, troubleshooting, RMA handling, etc. Therefore, GomSpace is now looking for a 1st line supporter for the HQ in Aalborg. Mediation of technical knowledge You will be part of the global Manufacturing Engineering Support Team, which supports customers worldwide via the service desk by phone and email. Support inquiries concern technicalelectronics, mechanics and software. The support team works primarily within normal Danish office hours. You will get a close contact and dialogue with customers and with internal stakeholders in production and in RD, when support cases lead to improvements in the products and the following process improvements in production, including technical change orders, etc. Your tasks include 1st level support for customers. Daily monitoring, answering and handling of customer inquiries of a technical nature, including administration of tickets in the ticket system. RMA management. Act as singlepointofcontact with customers when support cases are escalated to the RD department, including followup on the support cases. Various reporting related to customer supportservice. Identification and initiation of NC cases. Being the expert when assisting in technical sales enquiries. You have a proven track record supporting customers worldwide We imagine that you have an educational background within electronics HWSW and at least two years of experience with a similar role where you have worked in the field between customer and manufacturing. Preferably you have experience from companies that design and manufacture complex electronics and electromechanical products. Specifically, we expect you to have experience with complex electronics and mechanical products, controlled by software high reliability products knowledge of I2C, Linux, CANBus is an advantage. You speak Danish and are fluent in English, both in writing and in speech. On a personal level you are positive you contribute with a problemsolving attitude, and focus on mutual respect and teamwork know how to communicate with customers at high technical level professional you are businessoriented and can collaborate with many different stakeholders analytical and qualityconscious you research facts before concluding committed you work independently, proactively and energetically robust you keep your head cool when the waves go high. And then we hope you have a good mood and an infectious sense of humor. This is your unique chance of being part of the future of advanced nanosatellites and help ensure that GomSpace meets the quality standards of tomorrows satellite missions. In addition, you will be challenged professionally get to work with the latest technologies and with a team of skilled, dedicated and committed colleagues experience a team that is eager to help and support in achieving the common goals of GomSpace get a salary package that matches your qualifications and experience. The recruitment process in handled by Curia

Tags: support customer application engineer


3D IS application developer for Configuration Documentation Management Systems dfm

2021-09-30 12:12:44| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world. The Company constantly innovates to provide efficient and technologicallyadvanced solutions in aerospace, defence, and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers modern and fuelefficient airliners and associated services. Airbus is also a European leader in defence and security and one of the worlds leading space businesses. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions and services worldwide. FCAS Shaping the future European Air Power FCAS has the potential to become a future key pillar to secure the sovereignty of Europe, strategically, technologically, and industrially! With Spain joining the FrancoGerman cooperation, the programme took an important step towards its Europeanization. As FCAS is much more than just a new Fighter, but an integrated combined systemofsystem including existing and future platforms and tools, the programme will integrate a wide range of the Airbus DS portfolio and competencies. Become part of the presumably most important defence programme of the next decades. A vacancy for an Application Developer with 3D experience for Configuration and Documentation management systems dfm has arisen within Airbus Defence and Space in Ottobrunn. The successful applicant will join TZIEC1 PDM Projects Roadmaps Department. Disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given special consideration. IM is transforming and evolving, but we need even more talented people who can make a real difference to how we support, enable and deliver range of technological solutions and services to our customer. To enable our transformation to the new operating model we are working in multifunctional, agile teams, collaborating with the business and developing our digital capabilities. What does this mean for you? A role in IM is an opportunity for you to grow and to develop your career in a progressive and innovative environment. Our people, the teams they work in and the values embedded in IM, are driving this change and you could be part of that too. As a central function, IM is involved in all business processes and enables technical as well as management careers. Are you passionate for digital topics around product engineering and interested in working in a diverse and international environment? Then join us as an IS application developer for Configuration and Documentation management systems. You will be part of a team that is responsible to deliver PDMPLM Tools to support Engineering, Configuration Management, Quality, Operation and logistic support activities across the Airbus Defence and Space business. Your main tasks and responsibilities will include Ensure building and implementing of IT applications through the design, coding, testing and integration of solutions in line with customer and product requirements. Analyse requirements and specify software and systems. Ensure optimum efficiency, functionality and user experience for the specific IT solution. Secure all functional andor technical integration and deployment activities concerning the Product Life Cycle. Ensure the correct integration of the chain of related IT Products. Secure reaching EIS with minimum impact on the production environment and fulfilling the agreed business requirements in quality and time. The role will involve occasional travel for business and as such you must be able to travel accordingly. We are looking for candidates with the following skills and experience Bachelor degree in Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science or equivalent Several years of experience in relevant engineering, product life cycle and product data management environment Knowledge of the PDMPLM standard system 3DExperience is mandatory Passed experience in a SAFe organization is appreciated Comprehensive understanding of ICT architecture especially about the relationships between server, network, client, application and data base Demonstrate a strong attention to customer care with good communication skills, an attentive nature and a willingness to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction Good communication and interpersonal skills Fluent in German and English written and spoken Other 2 security clearance possible

Tags: management systems application documentation


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