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Apparel Import Markets: latest monthly data (Monthly Report)

2020-12-10 20:09:18| EmergingTextiles.com

Apparel import markets have begun to recover and return to positive territory as of August, with a single-digit growth observed in September and in October. Our new report displays apparel import data in volume and value terms for a large number of markets on a monthly basis. The latest official data for knit, woven, and total apparel imports are published and available for download.

Tags: data report latest monthly


EOG Resources to Import Shale Know-how to Oman

2020-12-10 18:30:00| OGI

EOG Resources has made a series of acquisitions in Oman after looking outside the U.S. for the right opportunity to apply its expertise in tight oil development, a company exec says.

Tags: resources import oman knowhow


C Gars to import Key West First Legal Rum to UK - Rum in the UK data

2020-12-08 15:08:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

UK�cigar and whisky merchant C Gars has added two expressions from�Key West First Legal Rum Distillery�to its spirits offering.

Tags: the data legal key


China slaps import tariffs on Australian bottled wine in anti-dumping probe

2020-11-27 10:54:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The Australian wine industry has reacted with disappointment to China's implementation of substantial trade tariffs on bottled wine imports from the country.

Tags: china import wine australian


Altia swaps Infinium Spirits for Niche Import Co for Koskenkorva vodka in the US - Vodka in the US data

2020-11-04 15:56:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Altia has switched agents in the US for its Finnish vodka brand, Koskenkorva.

Tags: in the us data


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