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The Coca-Cola Co overhauls Florida juice production with manufacturing switch

2020-02-05 15:53:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The Coca-Cola Co is to close a long-standing Florida juice production plant and transfer the capacity to a privately-owned citrus processor in the state.

Tags: production florida switch manufacturing


NXP introduces safe and secure automotive multi-gigabit Ethernet switch

2020-01-20 09:55:37| Green Car Congress

Tags: safe automotive secure switch


Flybe to switch Newquay-Heathrow flights to Gatwick

2020-01-16 16:06:39| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The change could anger firms in the South West, who value the international routes Heathrow provides.

Tags: switch flights gatwick flybe


PepsiCo to fight "severe" climate change threat with US renewables switch

2020-01-15 15:34:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The coming decade will be "critical for the future of our planet's health", according to PepsiCo CEO Ramon Laguarta, as the�company announced plans to move to 100% renewable electricity in the US.

Tags: change switch fight severe


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