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NWRA Releases Mid-Year Lobbying Disclosure and PAC Contribution Reports

2021-08-27 13:46:00| Waste Age

Arlington, VA   The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) released its 2021 mid-year LD-2 lobbying disclosure and LD-203 contribution reports and Federal Electon Commission (FEC) filing in further demonstration of the organizat

Tags: reports releases contribution disclosure


Texas Pacific Land Releases Inaugural ESG Disclosure

2021-08-26 16:05:17| OGI

Over the past year, Texas Pacific Land�has assessed and developed an ESG program that will "allow the company to steadily build upon�sustainability objectives." the company's CEO said.

Tags: land releases texas pacific


API Sets Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Guidelines for Oil Industry

2021-06-24 18:35:00| OGI

The new guidelines released by API will provide standardization for individual oil and gas companies to report and track greenhouse-gas�emissions, enabling for consistency and greater comparability in climate-related reporting.

Tags: industry sets gas guidelines


Charles Jordan Standard Disclosure Form

2021-04-13 00:56:29| PortlandOnline

Disclosure form for the Charles Jordan Standard. On January 6, 2016, City Council adopted Resolution No. 37180, as amended, which directs the City of Portland to implement the Charles Jordan Standard when making direct appointments.

Tags: form standard charles jordan


Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Medical Information

2021-04-13 00:51:19| PortlandOnline

Form for employees to authorize the release of their medical information

Tags: information medical disclosure authorization


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