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BP Starts Production at Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Project

2021-06-23 17:36:55| OGI

The successful startup of BPs Manuel subsea development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico comes as the company continues its resilient hydrocarbons pursuit.

Tags: project production mexico starts


Williams Signs Deepwater Export Agreement for Gulf of Mexico Field

2021-06-17 18:05:00| OGI

Williams said it reached an�export agreement with Beacon Offshore and its co-owner for the Shenandoah deepwater oil field�through its Discovery infrastructure in the central Gulf of Mexico.

Tags: field agreement mexico export


Newparks Drilling Fluid System Designed for Challenging Deepwater Operations

2021-05-27 20:00:00| OGI

An integrated suite of fluid solutions successfully delivered�objectives in a four-well ultradeepwater�drilling and completion campaign in the Great White Frio development in the Gulf of Mexico.�

Tags: system designed operations challenging


EnVen Energy Takes Over for BHP in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Field

2021-05-22 00:05:00| OGI

The transaction with private Houston-based operator EnVen Energy marks BHPs exit from the Neptune Field in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.

Tags: field takes mexico energy


Shell Makes Significant Oil Discovery in Deepwater GoM

2021-05-11 15:43:13| OGI

The Leopard well hit more than 600 ft of net oil pay at multiple levels, Shell said in a news release.

Tags: makes significant oil shell


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