Tag: apparel
U.S. Apparel Imports: 1st Half 2020 (Monthly Report)
2020-08-06 20:09:16|
US apparel imports have continued to plunge in June, reflecting the massive cancellations of order as a result of the fall in retail sales. If China has slid dramatically in the first half, all origins have been negatively affected, except for Cambodia and Jordan. Our report covers US apparel imports on a monthly basis, comparing shipments from most origins in the last month and the year-to-date. Import data are available in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical trends are analyzed over the 2000-2020 period, including cotton vs. man-made fiber apparel, and China vs. Vietnam and the Rest of the World (RoW).
US apparel imports show signs of recovery in June
2020-08-06 15:26:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
US apparel imports surged in June compared with May and all ten of the major supplier nations reported month-on-month shipment volume increases. But the year-on-year figures told a very different tale�-�shipment volumes slid�as Central America and India bore the brunt of Covid-19 continuing�to wreak havoc on supply chains.�
Tags: show
US apparel sector boosts manufacturing economy in July
2020-08-05 13:33:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
Economic activity in the US manufacturing sector grew in July, with the apparel sector reporting growth in employment and imports, new figures show.
Tags: july
Myanmar Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)
2020-08-04 19:08:47|
After experiencing a boom in apparel exports to the European Union, Myanmar could be confronted with a significant fall in shipments, as a result of the pandemic. EU's threat to withraw its duty-free access is adding to current worries, although effective decision has been delayed. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Myanmar's clothing exports in the last months, and in first quarters 2016-20, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination. Knit and woven apparel exports are separately displayed. EU imports per product category are also comprehensively covered. All data are available for download.
Tags: report
Delta Apparel posts 40% drop in Q3 sales
2020-08-04 18:35:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
Activewear and lifestyle apparel maker�Delta�Apparel has reported a near-40% drop in net sales for the three months to the end of June�but�CEO Robert�Humphreys says the business�is likely to return to profitability�in the fourth quarter.
Tags: sales
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