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Anger over Presidents Club clothing range

2020-01-27 12:18:05| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The charity that closed down after a groping scandal has had its name revived to sell dresses.

Tags: range club clothing anger


China Textile & Clothing Production Costs (Country Report)

2020-01-23 20:10:16| EmergingTextiles.com

Production prices have less significantly dropped in December in China, in line with a slightly stronger activity reported by the Purchasing Manager Index. Textile and apparel industries have been confronted with decelerating retail sales at home, however, and more substantially falling clothing exports. Our statistical report offers a comprehensive view of production costs and consumer prices in China, including in the textile and clothing sectors. Labor costs in major provinces are also being followed.

Tags: report country china costs


China Textile & Clothing Production Costs (Country Report)

2020-01-21 20:11:22| EmergingTextiles.com

Production prices have less significantly dropped in December in China, in line with a slightly stronger activity reported by the Purchasing Manager Index. Textile and apparel industries have been confronted with decelerating retail sales at home, however, and more substantially falling clothing exports. Our statistical report offers a comprehensive view of production costs and consumer prices in China, including in the textile and clothing sectors. Labor costs in major provinces are also being followed.

Tags: report country china costs


Clothing and footwear most highly pirated sector in EU

2020-01-20 14:21:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The European Commission has published its report on intellectual property, with clothing and footwear remaining at the top of the league table of most highly pirated goods.

Tags: highly eu clothing sector


E.U. Clothing Imports: Latest and Long-Term Trends (Monthly Report)

2020-01-18 11:11:44| EmergingTextiles.com

Clothing imports to the European Union have plunged in November, with Chinese shipments dropping by 15% in volume terms. Bangladesh has not taken advantage of the setback, amid rising prices in euro terms. Our report covers monthly EU clothing import data, with historical trends being analyzed, and a specific focus on China vs. Rest of World (RoW) and Bangladesh, and on knit vs. woven clothing. Data are supplied in euros and US dollars with historical data available for download, back to January 2000.

Tags: report latest monthly clothing


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