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How to adapt your beer sales to the 'new normal' - comment

2020-10-27 17:05:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Back in the early days of the novel coronavirus, a pandemic that has become so much a part of our lives this year, brewery owners and operators were focused on one thing and one thing only: Survival. No one had the time to waste pondering how the market might play out in six months or a year when many, perhaps even most, industry observers were predicting the very strong possibility of an industry collapse.

Tags: comment sales normal beer


Indonesia the wildcard for Coca-Cola European Partners in Coca-Cola Amatil acquisition - comment

2020-10-26 15:45:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Over the weekend, Coca-Cola European Partners offered a textbook example of how to turn�a crisis to one's advantage. As markets reel from the coronavirus and Coca-Cola soft drinks sales stumble, the European bottler revealed a bid for all of Coca-Cola Amatil's shares�-�including the 30% owned by The Coca-Cola Co.

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Why copying gin's template for growth risks doing rum a grave disservice - comment

2020-10-26 10:50:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Cross-pollination among spirits categories offers scope for innovation-led growth for brand owners. Indeed, this is a well-trodden path with many success stories. However, category commentator Richard Woodard believes rum brands must be way more selective in who they choose to ape if they're ever going to get rum to recognise its long-expected potential.

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PepsiCo taps into COVID trends with Propel Immune Support launch - just-drinks comment

2020-10-20 13:19:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

PepsiCo has launched an extension of its Propel bottled water brand in the US that claims to boost immune systems.�

Tags: support comment trends launch


Why the latest sexism row will be a watershed moment for whisky - comment

2020-10-13 13:27:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The recent campaign against Jim Murray's 'Whisky Bible' has shone a light on sexism in whisky, and there's no turning it off now. Brands will need to take a proactive, as opposed to merely reactive, stance to show that their condemnation of misogyny and commitment to inclusivity goes beyond lip service, says Amy Hopkins.

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