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South Africa's wine industry is on its knees and it's not just thanks to COVID - comment

2020-10-05 18:10:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

South Africa's wine producers have been hard-done-by this year, more so than any other wine-producing nation. As Chris Losh explains, the country's handling of the coronavirus pandemic is a case study in 'How not to support your high-profile industries'.

Tags: to comment south industry


Why bottled water should tap into more drinking occasions - comment

2020-10-05 13:18:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Our soft drinks category commentator, Lucy Britner, turns her attention this month to bottled water - and spies some burgeoning growth opportunities.

Tags: comment water drinking tap


How to win in vodka in the US - A history lesson - comment

2020-09-28 21:40:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Vodka is one of the most competitive spirits categories out there and only more so in the US. Want to get ahead? Well, according to white spirits commentator Richard Woodard, you'll have to look backwards to move forwards.

Tags: us comment history win


Absolut returns to US TV with presidential election-themed message - just-drinks comment

2020-09-25 14:40:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The US division of Pernod Ricard has lined up a marketing push for Absolut vodka, with the brand's first TV spot in the country for three years set to encourage consumers to vote in November's presidential election.

Tags: message comment returns presidential


Why brewers should think twice before ditching awards competitions - comment

2020-09-24 11:53:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

As COVID-19 has turned the flood of marketing dollars to a trickle, one major victim for drinks companies has been the entering of their brands into�category competitions. This month, beer commentator Stephen Beaumont provides advice for the brewers out there struggling with the existential question: What do awards actually do?

Tags: comment awards competitions brewers


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