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Why craft whisky/whiskey will never be the same again - comment

2020-06-09 11:29:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The craft whisk(e)y industry is trapped in a vice, with pressure from the coronavirus pandemic and retaliatory tariffs deepening the cracks that have existed for some time. In her debut for just-drinks,�dark spirits category commentator�Amy Hopkins forecasts that the road to recovery will be long and hard, and only the strong will survive.

Tags: same comment craft


2020 Dietary Guidelines draft released; Comment period ends quickly after

2020-06-09 03:01:00| Beef

The 2020 Dietary Goals Advisory Committee is following bureaucratic protocol: If its not working, double down.

Tags: comment period quickly released


Is there something wrong with C&C Group? - comment

2020-06-05 16:06:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Forgive my patronising tone, but I'm worried about you. I'm talking to C&C Group, who despite posting a lift in full-year sales earlier this week, looks precariously-placed to weather the current - and future - choppy waters. And, as companies everywhere work to line up their ducks in a row to survive the coronavirus pandemic and its wider impact, I'm worried that some of your ducks may be dying - or dead.

Tags: with group comment wrong


Campari Group enters e-commerce fray with Tannico stake purchase - comment

2020-06-05 15:11:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Campari Group has made its first move into e-commerce, acquiring a stake in Italian online sales platform Tannico.

Tags: group comment purchase ecommerce


Public Comment Procedure 2020

2020-06-03 03:08:09| PortlandOnline

Updated May 14, 2020

Tags: public comment procedure public comment


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